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Interdisciplinarity and consilience: towards a meta-model in psychotherapy
Egiziano Eutizio e Menoni Ezio

Interdisciplinarity and consilience: towards a meta-model in psychotherapy

The epistemological characteristics of integration in psychotherapy, as part of life and health sciences, are presented and discussed from an analysis of the definitions of multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, consilience and transdisciplinarity, as models of scientific work.

The theoretical integration model can correspond to a perspective of consilient interdisciplinarity as it integrates knowledge of theories of complexity, life sciences, neuroscience, phenomenology and of clinical therapeutics.

Starting from some consilient cores of knowledge, a clinical therapeutic model is proposed.

Some value-based, scientific and methodological principles, which are interrelated as a system, are proposed, in a perspective of evolution towards a clinical practice of complexity

Keywords: interdisciplinarity, consilience, theoretical integration in psychotherapy, metastability, theories of complexity, clinical psychotherapy, neuroscience

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