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Experiential psychological groups with Oncology care teams: processes and results
Iannelli Kitergiata, Bronzini Monica, Ridolfi Alessandro, Menoni Ezio

Experiential psychological groups with Oncology care teams: processes and results

We are introducing our research about process and results, concerning an experiential psychological groups  with Oncology care teams ( doctors, nurses, oss) which are a network for oncological patients in several kind of treatment: day hospital, medical home care and hospice.
Results about our experience are that the sum of stressful events, included those between internal teams relationship, activates anxiety and depressive process.
Based on integrative model, we are interested in sharing process concerning emotional awareness and the relative expression in “safe context” through listening and reciprocal support.
The focus is on perception concerning acceptance and help needs between co-workers inside care teams, and also on the recognition of affective resources essential to balance emotional distress experienced in medical care teams.

This work aims to  build a progressive group resilience.



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